Friday, December 3, 2010

F is for.......

FRIDAY from hell.
HO. LY. BALLS. It has been the longest day ever. My phone just tried to make me say he'll instead of hell. No, iPhone. Get with the program.
Today started out like any other Friday. My job involves different tasks every day of the week, but the same tasks coincide with the same days of the week. Get it? Me either. Moving right along.
I knew what my job was supposed to entail today, what I did not know was how secretly, a little corporate graphic artist Nazi was about to ruin my life.
Long story short, I opened my work today to find out that (insert chain store here) had switched design programs and neglected to warn me. Typically new things aren't too bad, but when you throw Deadlines in with them, they can prove to be quite unpleasant.
Fast forward 11 icky hours later that may or may not have included sobbing like a little bitch to a male coworker about my dilemma.....which by the way, is super uncool. It kindof reminds men that women ARE just silly little pathetic creatures that can't handle the workplace and should just go back to their kitchens and spew children out and vacuum stuff.
Anyway. 11 hours later, I am in the fetal position on my couch, and I'm pretty sure I'm going blind.
Good news though. In the end, I WIN. I did not come home to wax floors and can apricots, I kicked that ad's ass.

And now I shall drink beer.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

$#!T on Wednesday #'s 44, 45, 46, 47

So... I think we did some... uh... stuff?  I'm sure it was awesome, but really, I don't remember much.
I've been heavily medicated since the 5th of November. For those of you that graduated from Box Elder High and need help with math, that equals 25 days ago.  Which is bullshit, since I'm still sick.
Running through my veins is somewhere between 79-84% Sudafed.
The main active ingredient in Sudafed is pseudoephedrine.  Pseudoephedrine is a main active ingredient in meth. But hey, at least those of you that graduated from Box Elder High already knew that.
Basically, if I drank some bleach I'd be a walking meth lab. Which sounds kindof awesome, in theory, except that my brain is so full of sticky snot that it's making it a lot less awesome. Gruesome, I know. It's my life.
I finally got on some antibiotics and am slowly starting to feel human again. Maybe I'll keep on the Sudafed diet though and see what that does for me.
No wait. I like my teeth.

SO.  Weeks 44 & 45 are a blur, but #46 was Brad's birthday!
We went to Andy's for dinner with Brad's besties and fam.

My friend Benny got me this rad book of space photography for my birthday, and Brad enjoyed looking at it so I got him a copy too.
I thought he was super excited about it, but I think he's flipping off the camera, so now I'm not sure.  Crap.

Alicia, Erica & Me at birthday dinner

Week #47 was one that I really look forward too every year,
Everyone had a great time, and even though we're usually together every week anyway, BFF Thanksgiving seems special.  Precious, I know.  
I'm thankful for every single one of these obnoxious shitheads. 
Even though they went to the bar after dinner and left me to do dishes by muhself. 
Like I said. Shitheads.

It's super cozy in my little kitchen, good thing everyone likes each other

Signature Aaron photo, with Jess playing along

My siblings :)

My favoritest bro-in-law. And not just because he's the only one :)

Manny's famous (infamous?) Beer butted keg roasted goodness of spectacular wonder. :)

The men... doing their thing.


See how good it is?!


Homemade Pie. OM NOM NOM


Somebody has drunk eyes...and it's not me....