Thursday, August 13, 2009

An excerpt from a Wednesday night

Here is a list of things I either learned or heard last night.

• "Succubus" is a great word

"I broke up with her."


"She wasn't even cute. And she smelled like fresh rotten milk"

"Uh.... 'fresh' rotten milk?"

"Yeah, you know... when you smell fresh milk... it actually smells pretty rotten"

"So did she work at a dairy barn?"

"No. She worked at Prairie Schooner"

• Aaron would rather eat crackers that I've sat on, than move 2 feet to get fresh ones from the box.

• "What is Hummus?"

"Chickpeas and garlic and stuff"

"Hippie food, just eat it"

• Bert is an ordained minister, by the power of the world wide web.

He even got a collared shirt for an extra $12.99.

"Erin! Erin. Seriously. I saw this on House. Like, a centipede or something... it crawled in this dude's ear and ate his brain or something. I saw this."

"Ok, but it wasn't a moth?"

"......No, but I've heard they do that shit too"

(as she's hiding under a blanket with her eyes showing and her fingers up her nose for fear the moth will eat her brains....)

• Jill lets me tease her and promises not to cry about it

• "I've been thinking about getting a concealed weapons permit."


"Because maybe I'd like to own a gun one day"

"You don't have to get a concealed weapons permit to own a gun..."

"Oh. Well what do you need one for then?"

"So you can tuck your gun in your panties and carry it in Wal-Mart"

• My friends are retarded. I wouldn't have it any other way.


erin said...

It wouldn't have even fit in any of your head holes. lol

Dave said...

Let me know when you have an Atlas Moth fly into your face and then we'll talk.

LifeAsABox said...

Succubus is a great word. And yay for hummmus!

Anonymous said...

Whoa I totally missed out. And yes this is Brein and no I don't wanna sign in. :P