Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The spirit of Christmas is presents. And y'all aint gettin' none.

I have managed to not put any presents on my credit card this year.
This is a damn Christmas miracle.

Oh wait, when I start thinking about why I haven't, I realize that it's because I've been a tight ass this year.  I'll apologize in advance to anyone who thinks they might be getting something from me. Instead, you're all getting a hug and a York peppermint patty. But not the big individual ones, the small ones that come in a bag. And only one.

Which brings me to the topic of finding my Christmas present today. Or actually just stumbling upon it.
I went to put some cat toys back in Satan's basket, and there it was.
Haphazardly shoved behind the love seat in the worst hiding spot of all time.

I'm going to be pretty excited on Christmas morning..... and I might be the only one.


LifeAsABox said...

Someone needs to learn the meaning of Christmas. I wish I wasn't putting Christmas on credit cards--but it's all on my credit cards. Merry Christmas

Brein said...

We need PicTuReS of this beautiful present!!