Thursday, March 25, 2010

Reason #812 why I should keep Manny. And probably why he should dump me.

Me: Did you turn the heater off?
Manny: No. Did you?
No. You were the last one downstairs.
Yeah, but you're the Ice Queen Heater Nazi.
Whatever.     Do you think there's air in the microwave?
Air in the microwave?
Yeah... for like... plants and stuff.
*sigh*  Did you put your pansies in the microwave?
Yeah..... Can you put them in the bathroom where the cats can't get them and shut the door?
Why do I need to put them where the cats can't get them if I shut the door?
Because they can totally open the door! Hello! And then they'll eat them and there will be pansy puke ALL OVER!
I have a pain in my side right now so if my appendix bursts in the night and I die, you can tell them what it was, k?

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Manny is a patient man. And your cats are super talented!