Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This time of year always makes me depressed.
I get spring fever like crazy and want to be outside in the sunshine. Except, there isn't any. I was telling Aaron the other day that I think I have a Vitamin D deficiency due to lack of sun exposure. He said "Does it make you ache?" I said, "No, it makes me depressed."
He responded "Oh, no, you're depressed because your life sucks."
HA. Funny bastard.
He went on to Google 'Vitamin D deficiencies', letting me know that I may get Rickets and skeletal deformities. Excellent.

A week has gone by, the sun has been out, I was feeling a little better about things, and then, it snowed.
Mother bitch.
I try to keep my head up and remember that in a few long, dreary, cold absolutely horrendous months, it will be warm again. My flowers will be budding, I can sit outside and putter in my yard. I can let my pasty limbs soak up that precious Vitamin D. If they aren't deformed by then.

It's just hard.
I did something that hundreds of depressed people do every day.

I cut myself.

I've done it before.

It usually makes me feel better.

This time was no exception.

I'm not proud of it.

But damnit, I hate paying other people to do it ;)


Utah Lurker said...

Smokin' Bangs

Hillary said...

Look at you sexy bitch! Very nice job on the bangs. I'm w/you on the stupid effing snow. It's worn out it's welcome, and needs to move on. I decided that winter and spring need to change places. Then winter will only be like 3 weeks long, and spring will be 6 months...maybe not 6...but it sure as hell feels like it. Glad to hear you're just cutting your hair. ;)