Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Linkin' Stinkin'

Elementary School was cool. Or maybe I was cool in Elementary School?  Maybe that's it.
Elementary School is a magical place. A place where people can be friends regardless of race, religion, economic and social status and bad mom haircuts.
Remember back when none of that mattered? Before you learned how to judge people?  When the most important part of your day was lunch and recess and getting (name removed to protect the innocent) to notice you? And "notice" may have meant pushing you down in the "big toy" gravel or throwing mud at you.
Yeah. Those were the days.

I dare say I was rad.  My mom curled my bangs half up and half down. Sometimes I even had a side ponytail.
I wore obnoxious florescent colors and those shirt things that gathered one side.
I had giant glasses that tinted in the sun.
I had a Lisa Frank pencil case in mint condition.
My mom dropped me off in the morning with my bike so I could ride it home downhill after school.
I chased a girl into a brick wall during recess and knocked her teeth out.

There is no other place in the world besides elementary school where someone could have all those things going for them and still think they were a badass. Besides that last one, of course. That's badass in real grownup life, y'all.

Anyway, what brings about this sudden nostalgicism, is that my old elementary school was torn down last week. Both my parents and my Grandpa went there as well. It was the most giant, badass mother school around.

I went to take some pictures of the destruction, and didn't think I would, but I felt a little sad. I still have friends that I made all those years ago in that building. I still see teachers that I had and either smile, or cringe. A lot of things you learn that young are things you carry throughout your whole life, and that kids, is a damn long time.

During the demolition process, my parents got the idea to bribe a construction working into giving them one of THESE

They actually ended up with three of them  :)    What they plan on doing with them is undecided, but it's pretty cool that they have giant pieces (literally) of Brigham City history, and a great way to remember good old Linkin' Stinkin'.


Rebecca said...

It was, by far, the coolest elementary school left in Brigham City. I knew they were thinking of tearing it down, but it's still weird to know it's gone. I definitely know how it feels to have your elementary school demolished. At least they aren't building a house of God on yours. ;)

On a side note, I definitely had my fair share of bad-mom-haircuts. Good times. Good times.

Coffee & Inspiration

Hillary said...

Too bad your school was infested w/rats. Ya, you heard me. How awesome that your parents got those awesome cement thingys. That's the only cool thing about that school... Oh calm the hell down, i'm kidding.