Wednesday, January 5, 2011


After yesterday's.... incident.... I decided to take dear Becky's advice and look into yoga. 
I've always wanted to be the kind of person that did yoga and drank tea and busted out super cool moves for party tricks. Why I've never actually put work into that, I don't know. Maybe because I tried the tea thing first, and it's gross?
Anyway. I dusted off my yoga book last night and went to work.
I (think) I did several poses (fairly) successfully.
The hardest part was the breathing.  I think that might be because I'm fat though. Just a guess.
After struggling through half the book, I felt pretty good.  I felt like maybe this was something that I could practice and get better at. I even did it again this morning.
And then,  I started googling yoga. Reading about different types, trying to cram all their names in my little tiny overloaded brain. I think I ended up deleting some South Park references in order to make them all fit.

I came across this video in my research.
Mind = Blown.

Start watching at 2:20

I can't decide if I'm more or less interested in yoga now......


Rebecca said...

Holy shiznit! Can you imagine having that kind of strength and control, though. Personally, I just want to be able to touch my toes without bending my knees. Baby steps.

Rebecca said...

Also, I can recommend some good beginner videos I use, if you're interested.

erin said...

Yeah, I watched that video repeating, "holy shit...." throughout.

And ohhh lookie, I'm only one day in and can put my hands flat on the floor.... Just sayin' lol

grburbank said...

Is he human or some sort of Hindi demon? Seriously, he must be one of the strongest and most flexible men out there.