Monday, November 1, 2010

$#!T on Wednesday #41, 42, 43

So much for updating this every week.....
The last three Wednesdays have been fun, but not super exciting.  I think all three weeks we went out to eat :)

So even though this is the lamest update post EVER, here are some blogs I totally plan on writing some time in the moderately near future:

! My $5 bedside dressers that have 8 coats of paint and counting and may never be finished and I'm ready to take an axe to.

! My dumpster-dive find that I fully intend on turning into a headboard and decided that I'm going to leave as-is instead of painting even though Manny says it's "trashy". Literally.

! 1st Crawfish boil photos.

! Halloween!


Rebecca said...

Ya, where the hell are those crawfish photos?! Come on now! If you'd like, I can start berating, er, I mean, reminding you to blog weekly. Or more. Daily, perhaps...

erin said...

Erica took all the pics and she's too *busy* to hand them over.
I knowwwww I need to update more!

Erica said...

Hey now. You can totally come and get them. You know where I work. Butthole. ;) Kisses.

Lets make some update magic tonight. It IS Wednesday.