Friday, September 11, 2009

You Capture Challenge 09-09-09

Brein told me about a blog called 'I should be folding laundry', in which the author challenges blog readers to a photography challenge once a week. Everyone who participates gets a link on her blog so that everyone else can see all the great photos. Here's my first one!

The challenge was to take a picture of something that you've never taken a picture of before. The object is to get people out using their cameras and looking at things differently. The last part has never really been a problem, since I see art in a lot of things most people don't, but the part about getting out and using my camera IS a problem for me. I see things all day everyday that I think "I should shoot that" and don't. Hopefully this helps me explore my world through my lens better.

This manhole is right by my house, and I've noticed it before- It's different from the ones I usually see, it's older, and has a great pattern to it.
So here's my first installment!


Life with Kaishon said...

What a beautiful man hole cover. It must be old : ) I love it and I am so glad you captured it : )

Allison and Ben said...

Great job that would be a challenge to make interesting. You did wonderful.

Brein said...

Love it!!!